The Whatever Games

Thursday, August 09, 2012

I've never been one for games. Gym was my least favourite class, I'm not a big party gamer, I don't do board games really, so why would I play games where relationships are concerned? A lot of people spend so much time worrying so much about being the right amount of mysterious and coy in relationships [of the romantic variety]. I just don't get that! I have a strict "all the cards on the table" policy. I like to know what I'm working with. I don't like surprises. I like to know exactly what is going on, where everyone stands. So when it comes down to a choice on whether I tell someone that I like them, or love them, or whatever, I do. And I'd hope that they did the same. Luckily, as far as my life has been concerned, I've had excellent people who are very upfront about things. No need to skirt around a subject.

The thing is, if I tell you that I like you, and you don't like me back that way, that's alright. I'm not going to hate you [I'm not going to give up hope that you'll ever like me back, so I'm not going to like, start wearing my grey sweatsuit and picking my nose around you]. Yes, I feel rejection too, and it sucks; obviously I'd prefer it if you countered my long winded explanation of my affection with an "I love you too", but don't say it if you don't mean it! I'd rather know exactly how you do feel so I can weigh my options, and decide how I feel about that.

Life is way too short to be sitting around being mysterious. Maybe it's because I base my entire life on Taylor Swift songs... but I think it's wildly important to tell incredible people they're incredible, tell beautiful people they're beautiful, tell the people you love that you love them, and put yourself out there. As discussed with my [incredible, beautiful, and very loved] best friend, life is pretty damn boring, and you're going to miss out on a whole lot if you don't take risks.

And that's that.